Robin Michael, CECP, CBCP. CBC3P, Holistic, Energy Healing

How the Emotion Code can help you…

What I do with The Body Code…

The Body Code addresses many different aspects of imbalance….emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, pathogens, and toxicity. It’s a sophisticated and complete method of body balancing. By correcting underlying imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over. As a result, discomfort and malfunction in the body often disappear, the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or nonexistent.

Read more about the science behind Energy Medicine and how it works!

a weight has been lifted

How The Belief Code can change the way you see things…

The Belief Code builds on the Emotion Code and Body Code. It allows me to tap into the subconscious mind in order to identify and release unwanted beliefs, reverse or replace negative thoughts, and create space for new empowering beliefs! The Belief Code offers us a way to free our mind, body, and spirit from the beliefs that have been holding you back!

Read more about your Belief Systems, how they are developed, and how they are limiting you HERE!


Self-Care is Health Care Program

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So…What is This Exactly?

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The Science Behind Energy Medicine

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My Latest Interview

Check it Out!


Our Belief Systems

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  • What Are We Making Monday?

    I make a lot of recipes with chicken. Baked chicken, boiled and shredded chicken, or grilled chicken. It’s nice to have chicken on hand and available to snack on, add to salads, sandwiches, and recipes, without the extra time of cooking it when you’re ready to eat. That’s why I always cook a batch of… Read More

  • What Are We Making Monday?

    This weeks golden child of What Are We Making Monday is Layered Taco Salad! All the greatness of Taco Salad but in casserole form. What’s also great about this, is that you can make it the day before. A great option for company, potlucks, or special occasions. Read More

  • What Are We Making Monday?

    This weeks What Are We Making Monday delight, is BBQ Chicken Salad. The flavors of this salad come together igniting all your taste buds! A little salt, a little sweet, a little tangy, a little savory…it’s a party in your mouth!! Read More

  • Ranch Dressing

  • My Story

    Hello my friends, this is my story: I am an Emotion, Body, and Belief Code Practitioner. (Energy healing Practitioner). Why do I do what I do? Well, because…I have had many struggles in my life. Depression, debilitating anxiety, sexual abuse, health issues, food sensitivities, Diabetes, thyroid issues, digestive disorders…(so much so, that I was on a… Read More

Pricing, Specials, Promos and More!!

What’s New?!

If you have been wondering about how this process works and curious if this is for you, now is your chance to give it a try at extreme savings! Or if you have already done some sessions with me and are ready to receive more healing benefits, reply with a comment on this page or send me an email at You can also schedule here. This will be a wonderful way to create a fresh start, turn the page and build a beautiful tomorrow!

Here’s what you get with my new program:


Four sessions, with me,

~ 2 Emotion/Body Code Sessions

~ 1 Body Scan and Immune system check Session

~ 1 Belief Code Session

Removing imbalances in your body, whether that be physical issues; pain, illness or symptoms in the body.

Emotional blocks: past experiences, things that you can’t move beyond, stuck energy, and/or mental programming or patterns.

Enabling you to free yourself, heal yourself and be the best YOU, you can be.

A value of $300

Body Scan and Immune System Check

Get a complete body scan!

Checking each organ and gland, to see if there are any imbalances that can be cleared.

Pinpointing the areas that need balanced, re-set and realigned.

Allowing the body to have a clear pathway to its own health and healing.

Also checking how well your immune system is functioning.

Addressing the organs and glands that may be imbalanced and affecting your ability to fight off viruses and pathogens and keep your body healthy.

A Value of $75

YOUR limiting belief

Courage to break the patterns

Discover your own, individual limiting beliefs that stand between you and your goals, happiness, health, and success.

The things that keep you stuck, block out possibility or ability to change.

We develop conclusions about the world and the people in it, very early in life.

By the age of 8, we have formed ideas and beliefs about what we believe, what we’ve been told, what’s been shown to us and how we think we need to be, in order to thrive or survive.

By acknowledging the negative loop that runs through your mind. We can release that thought pattern and work to replace it with new positive beliefs.

A value of $75


Courage stones affirmations

Receive a list of affirmations around your limiting belief, to help speed up the process of creating lasting change in your life.

By having a new positive focus, we have a list of thoughts and beliefs to go to when we find ourselves spiraling in negativity. A reminder of what we really want in our lives and the thinking patterns that will get us there.

A value of $50


A Tapping (EFT) script designed specifically for you, based on your needs. A tool you can use between sessions to really shift your programming and rewire your thoughts and beliefs to more empowering ones.

The power of tapping is transformational!! Tapping on the meridian points is known to turn off our fight or flight and stress alarms, sending a calming response to the brain and body. It allows us to acknowledge what we are feeling, and then, feeling safe to let that energy go.

A value of $95

Total Value of $595

I am offering this program to YOU for $ 297!!!

And you know what sweetheart?! You are worth it!

Don’t you deserve to feel more confident? To feel comfortable in your own skin? To achieve that goal? To be happy? To finally GO FOR IT?

Don’t you deserve to feel better? To let go of the struggle? Get rid of the pain or illness that no one can quite figure out? Feel healthy, strong, capable and empowered? Aren’t you ready to be free? Wouldn’t you like to feel what is possible for you?

But don’t wait too long!

I’m offering this to a limited number of people at this rate. Spots could fill up fast and pricing will go up.

Say YES to you and take advantage today!

Payments can be made through PayPal or Zelle.

Contact me at to get more information or schedule an appointment here

Learn more about this amazing work.

Or….if sessions are all you are looking for…. here are some great packages to get the most bang for your buck!!

Who can benefit from this?

  • Anyone tired of feeling sick and tired.
  • Anyone with health issues, especially when no one has addressed the root cause.
  • Anyone wanting to boost their immune system and feel vibrantly healthy.
  • Anyone wanting to make a change.
    • in your job/career
    • in your health/well-being
    • lose weight/eat better.
    • feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin.
    • in your relationships
    • achieve a goal.
  • Anyone feeling depressed or dealing with anxiety.
  • Anyone stuck in a rut.
  • Anyone having trouble letting go of the past.
  • Anyone struggling to forgive.
  • Anyone feeling unworthy of good things.
    • love
    • money
    • success
    • happiness
  • Anyone who might self-sabotage
    • when things are going well
    • or just to stay safe and play small.

Contact me at or Schedule a session here

**Prices are based off $75 a session**

My practice is mostly distance healing. Meaning it is done over the phone. There may be instances where I will take a client in person, depending on the need.

It can even be done over email. You can just send me the issues you are dealing with, or areas you’d like help with. I will do a session remotely, meaning you don’t have to be on the phone with me. I will then send you my findings and your results.

Mind blowing, right??!! How remarkable this work is! We are all energy, we are all connected, we are all made of the same stuff and that’s what makes this all possible. These can be full sessions or micro sessions. See Below.

These are especially nice if you just need a boost, or something feels a bit off, or going through a stressful time. A helpful reset in between sessions. Rest assured, this work is just as affective in person, on the phone, across the country, or across oceans. Energy knows no bounds.

Remote Healing Sessions: (Not on the phone with me-through email only)

45 min-$60

30 min-$40

15 min-$20

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Schedule Here.

Or contact me at

How Has This Helped Other People?

I believe God sends people to you for a reason, and he did, just when I was losing all hope!

Depression testimonial

I have been experiencing pain in my left hip all the way down my calf. Along with SO much pain in both my feet on the bottoms. I work on concrete floors now for 22+ years (no sitting) and it has definitely taken a toll on my feet and leg! It is very painful and a burning sensation while at work, at home and waking me from my sleep! This started about 2 years ago and progressively has gotten worse.

I have gone to family DR, podiatrist, PT, acupuncture, purchased inserts, high dollar shoes and compression socks, with very little relief. I met Robin a few months back when I went to her for my Emotion Code sessions, (she has done amazing work with me there too)!! She told me she was studying Body Code now and asked if I would be interested in trying this out for my hip, leg and feet…Of course I said YES!!!!!!!!!

Fast forward – I have had 3 Body Code sessions with her. It took about 2 weeks after those sessions for my body to really start feeling the difference with the work she did, but it happened, I am now pain free!! I cannot describe how wonderful it feels!! I have been truly blessed to have Robin come into my life both mentally and physically…Love you Robin!! You and your work are truly amazing!! Hugs!! ~~Gigi~~

a weight has been lifted

If you would like more information or are ready to book a session, schedule here or contact me here.